Best Countries To Visit For Eco Travellers – Bag Pack Go

Best Countries to Visit, Best Sustainable countries

People who care about the environment now have more choices for visiting eco-friendly places than ever before. More and more places around the world are starting to do things to take care of the Earth and be friendly to the environment. This is happening because people are realizing that it’s really important to make sure we have enough resources for the future. Here is the list of the best countries to visit around the world that are perfect for eco-friendly tourism in 2024. These spots should definitely be on the list of every nature-loving traveler. They have beautiful nature and care about the environment.

Top 10 Best Countries to Visit for Environment Lovers

1. Costa Rica

Costa Rica is a country that cares a lot about protecting the environment and promoting ecotourism. Because of this, it has become known as one of the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. More than 25% of the land is set aside as national parks and other protected areas. The government wants to be the first country in the world to have no carbon emissions by 2021. They mostly use renewable energy.

Best Countries To Visit In 2024: Costa Rica Is best place to visit.
This Picture explains the knowledgeable facts about Costa Rica.

Eco-friendly Tourist Activities

  • Fun things to do include going rafting, riding horses, and ziplining in the tropical rainforests.
  • Going to places by the Pacific Ocean where turtles lay their eggs
  • Going on a hike at Arenal Volcano National Park in Costa Rica
  • Enjoying the beautiful views of Manuel Antonio National Park and its beaches

2. Norway

Norway is a leader in eco-friendly transportation. The company has spent a lot of money on making their vehicles run on electricity. They want to stop selling cars that use fossil fuels by 2025. The famous Geirangerfjord is a place that ecotourists should visit. They can do activities like kayaking that don’t harm the environment.

Eco-friendly Tourist Activities

  • One of Norway’s best places to visit is the Atlantic Ocean Road. It is so beautiful and the best example of a modern-day engineering marvel. The most amazing thing about this road is It was built in a way that caused the least harm to the environment.
Norway: One of the best county to visit so Book your tickets now to experience the beauty of this eco-Friendly country.
Norway: Book your tickets now to experience the beauty of this eco-friendly country.
  • You can enjoy a boat trip and watch big whales like humpbacks, orcas, and sperm whales.
  • Going on a glacier hike in Norway, such as Briksdalsbreen, known for its breathtaking scenery, is another best way to enjoy.
  • Enjoy a trip to Bergen, which is one of the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe.


3. Sweden

Sweden has lots of untouched nature and is the first place in the world to have an eco-district in its capital city, Stockholm. This means they focus on being sustainable and keeping things natural. The people in Sweden really care about the environment and try to live in a way that helps it. They get more than half of their energy from sources that can be used over and over again.

Fun and Environmentally Friendly Activities

Beautiful Norway: Show me Norway
  • Just imagine that you are enjoying a boat ride from one Ireland to another in Stockhol’s 24000 islands. You can explore so much beauty on these islands. If you are a beauty lover and like eco-friendly travel, then try this fun place.
  • Going for a walk in national parks and enjoying the beautiful views of their old forests.
  • Try food that is cooked in farm-to-table restaurants that can be found all around Sweden, and the best thing is they always use products that are fresh, locally sourced, and organic.
  • You can also make a small impact on the environment by taking a train to travel across the country.


4. Denmark

Denmark is one of the best countries to visit because it has about 560 kilometers of coastline. It has lots of beautiful nature and is great for outdoor sports. People can enjoy these activities without harming the environment too much. The city of Copenhagen wants to be the first capital in the world to have no carbon emissions by 2025. It is known as one of the most environmentally friendly cities.

Nyhavn,, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nyhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Some eco-friendly activities for you to enjoy!

  • Riding bikes on Copenhagen’s many bike lanes – Exploring Danish island life by renting an eco-friendly vacation home.
  • Trying New Nordic cuisine made with local and sustainable ingredients
  • Going out in a kayak to see the wind farms in Denmark that are far from the shore.


5. Latvia

Latvia became independent in the 1990s. It was one of the first countries to work on protecting the environment. Now, more than half of the country’s land is covered in forest. There are 15,000 rivers that are great for eco-friendly sightseeing in a canoe or boat. Ventspils, a city in the Baltic region, is the greenest and cleanest city in Europe.

Here are some great eco-friendly activities to try out!

Riga, Latvia: one of the Best Countries To Visit In 2024
  • We can go to Kemeri National Park to explore the forests, marshes, and mineral springs and see wild animals. – Gauja National Park has beautiful natural places where we can go camping and hiking.
  • Riding bikes by the Baltic Sea
  • You can try some food that is grown in Latvia. It is organic and comes from their eco-farming industry.


6. Slovenia

You can find some of Europe’s most breathtaking scenery within the easy reach of the people of Slovenia because of the country’s mountains, rivers, lakes, and forests. Ljubljana, the country’s capital, was designated the European Green Capital in 2016, and the country is working toward achieving zero waste and 100% renewable electricity by the year 2050.

Ptujski Grad Slovenia, Ptuj Castle
Ptujski Grad Slovenia, Ptuj Castle

Eco-friendly Places to Visit

  • Walking in Triglav National Park in the Julian Alps.
  • It is worth going to the cool Postojna Cave system.
  • You can ride a bike along the Danube in Ptuj, Slovenia’s oldest bike-friendly town.
  • Seeing eco-friendly attractions like Lake Bled, which looks like a heart, without using a car.


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7. Switzerland

Switzerland is a small country, but it has many beautiful landscapes in Europe. This includes everything from big ice to places where they grow grapes. This place always does well on global rankings for how it takes care of the environment. It follows rules about things like waste, renewable energy, and air pollution.

Beautiful Switzerland: Best Countries To Visit In 2024

What to explore in Switzerland

  • Going on a trip in the Swiss Alps on a train called the Glacier Express that runs on solar power.
  • Walking through the beautiful Swiss National Park, which is like a nature wonderland.
  • Tasting vegan fondue and other environmentally friendly food trends.
  • Going around cities like Geneva and Zurich using an electric bike or a solar boat.


8. Austria

In a country like Austria, which has the Alps as its crowning glory, living a sustainable lifestyle comes naturally. The United States gets more than half of its renewable energy from hydropower. Smaller cities such as Graz are following in the footsteps of Vienna, voted the most livable and environmentally friendly city in the world.

Places You Can Visit In Austria

  • Visit Vienna’s 16th district, which has received many awards for being a great example of sustainable city planning.
Facts: 78% of electricity from renewables, mainly hydropower, Vienna ranked most livable green city, 47% of land area is forest and wooded
Facts about Austria: 78% of electricity is from renewables, mainly hydropower; Vienna ranked as the most livable green city. 47% of the land area is forest and wooded
  • You can go hiking on Alpine routes using eco-friendly lifts and trains.
  • Visiting the city of Salzburg, which is known for Taking a cycling trip through the picturesque organic farms and vineyards of Austria.
  • You can also visit the big botanical gardens at the Belvedere Palace in Vienna.


9. Iceland

Iceland is a leader in renewable energy because it has a lot of geothermal activity. Over 85% of the country’s energy needs are met by using geothermal and hydroelectric power.

If you want to see Iceland’s beautiful natural attractions like volcanoes and the Northern Lights, it’s best to explore on foot, on a bike, or in a small eco-car. This way, you can enjoy the stunning scenery while being kind to the environment.

Eco-Friendly Activities In Iceland

100% of electricity from renewables (geothermal, hydro), Plans to eliminate carbon emissions by 2040,
Iceland has Europe's largest national park, Vatnajökull.
100% of electricity from renewables (geothermal, hydro), Plans to eliminate carbon emissions by 2040, Iceland has Europe’s largest national park, Vatnajökull.
  • You can go hiking on the Vatnajokull glacier or explore the ice caves.
  • Watch whales and birds from the coastal towns.
  • Try delicious food made from fresh local ingredients at greenhouses and fisheries powered by geothermal energy.
  • Visit Iceland’s less crowded and more remote areas to avoid big tour buses and crowds.


10. Newzeland

New Zealand has lots of beautiful places like mountains and fjords. They are working hard to keep these places safe for the future. Both of the main islands have many different activities to do outside. Tourism in this area is both beautiful and comfortable. The local food is really good, and the accommodations are eco-friendly and luxurious.

Mount Cook, Newzeland

Eco-Friendly Places to Visit

  • Participating in one of New Zealand’s 9 Great Walks and traversing breathtaking landscapes
  • Exploring the fjords by boat and witnessing animals such as dolphins, seals, and penguins.
  • Enjoy an off-grid, eco-friendly luxury resort among the nature.
  • Try the fresh local cuisine, wine, and craft beer that are produced by regional sustainable suppliers.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make sure the place I stay is good for the environment?

When searching for hotels, look for certifications such as Green Key. Also, consider sustainable building design and features like solar panels, eco-friendly waste management, locally sourced food, and low-flow showers. Eco-lodges in secluded natural areas are also great for the environment.

What are the best ways to travel without harming the environment?

Try to walk, ride a bike, or use public transportation as much as you can. To reduce emissions, pick flights that go straight to your destination instead of flights that stop along the way. Choose trains instead of cars or planes for traveling on land.

How can I make sure my travel has a good impact and avoid too many tourists?

Discover rare, eco-friendly spots. Avoid overcrowded places during the high season. You can be mindful in several ways. Start with local-owned hotels. Second, protect the environment and cultural sites. Finally, shop from environmentally and community-friendly companies.

What are some good things to do for the environment when you travel?

You can enjoy nature and protect it by doing activities like hiking, cycling, kayaking, snorkeling, animal watching, and nature photography. These activities are gentle on the environment.

What things should I search for when looking for eco-friendly food and restaurants?

Find restaurants with local, organic products. The restaurants also reduce food waste and offer plant-based meals. Support restaurants with solar heating and plastic bans. Use local food and fresh products to experience a place’s culture while helping the earth.

Can we make air travel better for the environment?

Take nonstop flights whenever possible. Choose economy seats since first-class and business exacerbate pollution. Climate-friendly airlines like Delta and JetBlue can offset your carbon footprint. Stay longer in each destination to make your flights more valuable. Fly less if you can navigate other ways.

My thoughts

Travelers who care about the environment have many great options for sustainable destinations and the best countries to visit around the world in 2024. It is very important to practice green travel because climate change and over-tourism are causing problems for the world’s most special places.

We can help make Earth’s beautiful landscapes better for the future by going to places that care about the environment and doing activities that help protect nature. Traveling green means exploring beautiful places like Norway and Sweden without harming nature.