Climate Change Crisis and Its Solution

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If you want to save the world from the danger of climate change, then take the first step of changing your lifestyle and habits. Make sure you are playing a positive role to improve in environmental health. You will find all the knowledgeable content about the Importance Of Eco-Living Habits and Green Homes here.

To control the climate change crisis, it is important to adopt Eco-Living Habits and modify our Homes to green homes.
To control the climate change crisis it is important to adopt Eco-Living Habits and modify our Homes to green homes.

What is Climate Change? Understand The Science Behind It

Climate change is a to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts can be natural due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. The primary cause of climate change has been human activities since the 1800s.

Environmental pollution has become a problem whose solution is now inevitable. Environmental pollution is at the forefront of the challenges facing future generations. Forests are burning, sea levels are rising, and glaciers are melting. Pollution has become so common that it has become difficult in some countries even to take a breath.

This is a List of the top 10 most air-polluted cities in the world in 2023:

10 most air-polluted cities in the world in 2023

  1. Dammam, Saudi Arabia (124.11 µg/m3)
  2. Lahore, Pakistan (111.63 µg/m3)
  3. Dhaka, Bangladesh (84.73 µg/m3)
  4. Delhi, India (84.39 µg/m3)
  5. Muzaffarnagar, India (81.35 µg/m3)
  6. Baghdad, Iraq (77.62 µg/m3)
  7. Ghaziabad, India (74.72 µg/m3)
  8. Patna, India (67.20 µg/m3)
  9. Hapur, India (67.02 µg/m3)
  10. Peshawar, Pakistan (66.15 µg/m3)

Deforestation and emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels Are the leading causes of Global warming. Gases from greenhouse emissions store heat in the atmosphere, which increases the temperature all over the world. 

Climate change has many consequences, such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, ocean acidification, species extinction, and the spread of disease.

Climate change And world’s temperature in the future

The world’s average temperature now is almost 1.1°C warmer than in the late 1800s. It is even higher than it has been in the past 100,000 years. The last four decades have been warmer than any previous decade compared to 1850, But (2011-2020) is considered the hottest among them. 

NASA recently developed the climate scenario under 2050. It mentioned that if the growth of greenhouse emissions keeps going at today’s rate, It could warm the earth by about 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050.

Climate Change’s Effects On Earth

Melting Glaciers

Melting Glaciers: A Threat to Sea Life!

Due to global warming, 95% of the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic is already gone.

When sea ice melts, many animals like polar bears, walruses, and snowy owls find it hard to live. This change hurts other animals and people, too.

Earth has an ice blanket that covers 10% of its land. Antarctica has the biggest piece of this blanket, 90% of it. Greenland holds the other 10%. When this ice melts, it’s like adding ice cubes to a warm drink.

This slows down the movement of the drink, just like how the sea currents slow down. This melting ice also makes the sea levels rise. Even if we try hard to stop polluting, by 2100, we’ll lose over one-third of the world’s ice glaciers. Almost all of the oldest, thickest ice has melted in the Arctic.

Effects of melting glaciers on sea level rise

Glaciers melting makes sea levels go up. Higher sea levels mean more damage to coastlines and bigger waves during storms like hurricanes. Sea levels are rising due to the melting of ice areas in Greenland and Antarctica. Right now, Greenland’s ice is melting four times faster than it was in 2003, and it’s causing 20% of the sea level rise we see today.

How do temperature rises impact global sea levels over 200 years?

In the next 200 years, if we keep the Earth’s temperature increase to 1.5C, sea levels will rise by 2-3 meters. But if the temperature goes up a little more to 2C, sea levels might rise by 2-6 meters. If the temperature keeps going up to 2-3C, the big ice areas in Greenland and West Antarctica will melt away forever.

The future of sea levels depends on how fast the ice in Greenland and Antarctica melts. If pollution keeps increasing, Greenland’s melting rate might become twice as fast by 2100. If all of Greenland’s ice melted away, the sea would rise by 20 feet everywhere.

Why does melting ice change the weather?

The Arctic is getting warmer really fast, and its ice is shrinking by over 10% every decade. When ice melts, it reveals darker sea areas, which heats things up even more.

This change messes with normal sea currents. Studies show that we’re seeing weird cold wind patterns more often due to these changes.

Also, the fast-melting ice in places like Antarctica and Greenland makes the Atlantic Ocean move differently. This leads to fewer fish in places like the Gulf of Maine and stronger storms worldwide.

List of the major disasters that happened in 2023 due to climate change:
Activation EventPeriod
Wildfires in AlgeriaJuly 24, 2023 – August 4, 2023
Flooding in KoreaJuly 17, 2023 – July 31, 2023
Flooding in IndiaJuly 13, 2023 – July 27, 2023
Flooding in ChileJune 29, 2023 – July 13, 2023
Cyclone Biparjoy in IndiaJune 13, 2023 – June 27, 2023
Flooding in EcuadorJune 6, 2023 – June 20, 2023
Tropical Cyclone MochaMay 15, 2023 – May 29, 2023
Tropical Cyclone MochaMay 15, 2023 – May 29, 2023
Flooding in Democratic…May 8, 2023 – May 22, 2023
Flooding in BrazilMarch 30, 2023 – April 13, 2023
Flooding in SomaliaMarch 28, 2023 – April 11, 2023
Flooding in South AfricaMarch 28, 2023 – April 11, 2023
Continued monitoring …March 14, 2023 – March 28, 2023
Cyclone Yaku in PeruMarch 14, 2023 – March 28, 2023
Cyclone Yaku in EcuadorMarch 13, 2023 – March 27, 2023
Tropical Storm Kevin …March 7, 2023 – March 21, 2023
Tropical Cyclone Judy …February 28, 2023 – March 14, 2023
Tropical Storm Freddy…February 27, 2023 – March 13, 2023
Cyclone Freddy in Mada…February 22, 2023 – March 8, 2023
Flooding in BrazilFebruary 21, 2023 – March 7, 2023
Flooding in MozambiqueFebruary 17, 2023 – March 3, 2023
Flooding in EswatiniFebruary 13, 2023 – February 27, 2023
Wildfires in ChileFebruary 13, 2023 – February 27, 2023
Earthquake in SyriaFebruary 6, 2023 – February 20, 2023
Earthquake in TurkeyFebruary 6, 2023 – February 20, 2023
Flooding in ZambiaJanuary 31, 2023 – February 14, 2023
Tropical Storm Cheneso…January 24, 2023 – February 7, 2024
Source: NASA

Water Desaster and Its Possible Solution

An overview of the United Nations report:

Water Scarcity

  • Two billion people in the world have no or very minimal access to safe drinking water (SDG Report 2022).
  • Half of the global population faces severe water scarcity yearly.
  • Only 0.5% of Earth’s water is available freshwater, with terrestrial water storage decreasing yearly.
  • Glacial and snow-cover water supplies are diminishing, affecting regions where over one-sixth of the world resides.
  • Climate change threatens freshwater availability in coastal areas due to salinization.
  • Capping global warming to 1.5°C can reduce the population facing water scarcity.
  • Climate change can degrade water quality by exacerbating pollution factors.
  • Freshwater is under strain in agriculture because of climate change and population growth.

Water-related Hazards

  • We are facing more severe weather events, such as floods and droughts.
  • Rising temperatures lead to increased atmospheric moisture, causing heavy rains and severe dry spells (World Bank).
  • Both drought and flood risks are amplifying with global warming.
  • Water-related disasters represent 70% of all natural disaster-related deaths (World Bank).
  • Since 2000, flood incidents have surged 134%, mainly in Asia, while droughts have increased 29%, mostly in Africa (WMO).

Water Solutions

  • Aquatic ecosystems and water management can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and offer climate protection (Water and Climate Coalition).
  • Wetlands, such as mangroves and marshes, are carbon sinks and also protect against extreme weather (UNEP).
  • Early warning systems for water-related hazards can significantly diminish damages (WMO).
  • Climate-resistant water and sanitation systems could prevent over 360,000 infant deaths annually (New Climate Economy report).
  • Climate-smart agriculture, like drip irrigation, promotes efficient water use (UNEP).

Eco-Friendly Habits and how to adopt them?

Me, you, and everyone want to live and breathe in a healthy, fresh environment. But the question is, are we playing our part to breathe fresh air and to secure a global environment? It is not difficult to try to change yourself, not much but less, and you will see the difference, for example.

  • When you go shopping, take a reusable bag with you made with fabric or reusable material.
  • Don’t buy harsh chemicals to use in the air and breathe them later, like air fresheners, because the chemicals inside can make you sick and cause cancer.
  • If you have a garden at home, use the space to grow fresh fruits and vegetables, or you can grow them in pots and put them in the kitchen.
  • Educate your children about climate change and its impact on our lives. Encourage kids to donate their unused items like toys, clothes, shoes, and other daily items to help those in need.
  • Use sustainable clothing brands. Makeup products and everyday items.
  • Don’t waste the food left over. Store the leftovers for later or donate them to food banks for needy people.
Feed hungry people instead of throwing food. Your help can reduce food wastage.

Food Wastage around the world

Every year, the world produces enough food to feed hungry people and end all hunger, but sadly, 40% of the food goes to waste. That’s about 2.5 billion tonnes of food thrown away each year. We could feed chronically malnourished people, especially children, 10 meals a day if we donated that food to those in need.

Identify Areas of Your Life Where You Can Make Changes

You can make a difference in your environmental footprint by making changes to your transportation habits, diet, and shopping habits. Start with your mode of transportation- consider riding a bike or walking more often instead of taking the car. Evaluate what you eat. Choose organic and local foods when possible. Make sure to look for sustainable products when you shop, and think about ways to reuse them.

Health Benefits of Green Homes

It is hard to ignore the importance of eco-living habits, especially when we are living in an age where climate change has become a global problem. By making our habits eco-friendly, we can positively impact both the environment and our health. Here, we will consider how eco-friendly habits can positively impact health.

Improved Indoor Air Quality


A joint research by the Silent Spring Institute and the University of California revealed that about 5,000 tons of toxic chemicals are released annually from consumer products inside homes and workplaces.

When you stop using chemicals harmful to both the environment and health, such as cleaning sprays, air fresheners, toilet cleaners, and kitchen cleaning chemicals, you can protect your health from cancer and respiratory diseases. 

One Eco-Living habit is avoiding using harmful chemicals in our homes.
One Eco-Living habit is avoiding using harmful chemicals in our homes.

A positive step can be taken along with abandoning these chemicals by planting indoor plants in our homes and Improving Indoor Air Quality for our children.

Efficient Ventilation Systems

A 2015 study found that people living in green-certified homes had a 32% lower risk of migraine headaches thanks to better indoor environmental quality.

Green homes often incorporate advanced ventilation systems that ensure a continuous flow of fresh outdoor air while efficiently removing indoor pollutants. This reduces the concentration of allergens and airborne contaminants.

Use of Eco-Friendly Materials

  • Sustainable and non-toxic building materials are favoured in green home construction. 
  • As a result, these materials produce fewer harmful organic compounds (VOCs), which may be harmful to our health.

Air Purification Technologies

Green homes allow residents to breathe cleaner, fresher air, reducing the risk of respiratory problems like asthma and allergies. It can also lead to better sleep and overall well-being.

Use air purifiers in your home. They are expensive but can help improve your home’s indoor air quality. They help eliminate airborne pollutants such as dust, pollen, and allergens. 

Eco-Living Habits And Active Lifestyle

Eco-living goes hand in hand with an active lifestyle, promoting physical activity and overall health. Consider these aspects:

Avoid Unnecessary Transportation

About 8% of the world’s carbon emissions are caused by tourism.
Aviation contributes around 4% to human-induced global warming.

Tesco is a 5-minute walk from our house; even so, if we need something from the store, my husband prefers to go by car instead of walking.

I consider it an unnecessary use of transportation as the journey could have been made by walking. Many people do the same thing, but we can save our environment if we all stop using unnecessary transportation.

Closeness to Nature

Many green homes are located near parks, green spaces, and nature trails. This proximity to nature encourages residents to spend more time outdoors, engaging in activities like hiking and gardening.

Eco-Living Habits Can Reduce Stress

Perhaps one of the most profound health benefits of eco-living and green homes is the reduction of stress levels. Here’s how this is achieved

Connection with Nature

Green homes are mostly designed to blend in with the natural environment. Residents have easy access to green spaces, gardens, and even rooftop terraces. Spending time in these areas creates a sense of connection with nature, which can reduce our stress and anxiety.

Sustainable Living Mindset

If you want to adopt eco-friendly habits, you must first change your thinking. Start with yourself and educate your family and children about climate change and its effects. Use more eco-friendly products in your home.

Get involved in charities and communities with your family that are working to reduce environmental pollution. It will change your perception of environmental pollution and allow you to meet many people.


Q: What are some easy, eco-friendly changes I can make at home?

A: Start by swapping regular products for non-toxic, sustainable versions. Take short trips on foot rather than driving. Compost food scraps and recycle. Open windows to circulate fresh air.

Q: Do green homes cost more to build?

A: They may have a slightly higher upfront cost but save money long-term through energy efficiency and health benefits.

Q: How does an eco-friendly lifestyle reduce stress?

A: Spending time in nature, adopting a sustainability mindset, and using non-toxic materials lowers stress and anxiety levels.

Q: What are natural cleaning product alternatives?

A: Effective eco-friendly cleaners include vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, plant oils like lemon and tea tree, and castile soap.

Q: How can I avoid unnecessary transportation for a lower carbon footprint?

A: Walk or bike for short trips, combine errands, carpool, take public transit, and fly less. These reduce fossil fuel emissions.


Adopting eco-friendly habits provides immense benefits for our health and the planet. Small changes like using non-toxic products, decreasing food waste and incorporating plants to clean the air inside. Green building materials and efficient ventilation systems ensure good indoor air quality. 

An active, nature-oriented lifestyle also emerges when you think sustainably. Although shifting mindsets takes work, the rewards are plentiful. As more people implement green practices, we collectively build a cleaner, safer world.